Water Conservation

In the Kitchen

  • Only run the dishwasher with a full load. Running the dishwasher multiple times for smaller loads will cause you to use twice as much water. Dishwashers also use less water per load than it would require for you to wash them by hand.
  • If you wash your dished by hand, fill one side of the sink with fresh water and use it for rinsing when the dishes are scrubbed clean rather than rinsing each plate, cup, or utensil individually.
  • Only run the dishwasher with a full load. Running the dishwasher multiple times for smaller loads will cause you to use twice as much water. 
  • Don’t pre-rinse your dishes. If you have a high-quality dishwasher, it should remove particles and stains without the need for pre-rinsing, saving excess water use.

In the Bathroom

  • Consider getting a low-flow shower head in your bathroom that can reduce water use every time you shower without having to sacrifice water pressure.
  • Check to make sure the parts inside your toilet tank are in good shape and up to date. Worn-out fittings or chains can cause the toilet to run unnecessarily. 
  • Never allow the water to run while you are brushing your teeth. 
  • Take shorter showers whenever possible.
  • Repair leaking shower faucets and valves.