

Operations and maintenance of the storm drainage system includes cleaning, repairing, and replacing storm drainage collection lines and related facilities, as well as clearing and cleaning roadside ditches and other drainage channels.


What is Stormwater?

Stormwater is the water from rain, melting snow, hail and sleet that flows across the ground and then travels down our street gutters in the storm drain. Stormwater, like the rainwater it comes from, begins as clean water. It is then carried by the street gutter into the storm drain inlet and underground pipe system. These drains are the inlet you see at street corners, the low points on the sides of streets, or in parking lots.


Everyone Has a Role to Play

The best way to improve stormwater quality is to treat the source – don’t let runoff get polluted in the first place. Residents play a big role in stormwater quality improvement. Every day, little    actions can lead to major changes in stormwater quality. Here are some things you can do:

  • Fix leaks on your vehicle. Oil and other vehicle fluids get washed by rain and snow melt down the storm drain and into the river.
  • Read labels for fertilizer and pesticides, use as directed. Any excess amount you apply get washed away by rain down the storm drain and into the river.
  • Bag your trash to prevent litter when your trash container is emptied or is knocked over by the wind.
  • Scoop the poop. Pick up pet waste at home and in parks.
  • Sweep dirt, leaves or grass clippings into your lawn.
  • Properly dispose of chemicals, paints, and fertilizer at the household hazardous waste facility. Never pour anything down the storm drain.