Warrant Quash Options and Procedure

     Eligibility to Quash a Bench Warrant

Unless court staff is specifically ordered by the Judge not to quash a particular warrant, any defendant may request their warrant be quashed and receive a new court date if they have not had more than two warrants issued for the same case. If the warrant is the defendant's third on the same case, they may not quash the warrant without appearing before the court. To check your case's eligibility please call the court clerk's office at 360-262-9231 extension 1. 

If you are eligible for your warrant to be quashed you may come in to the court office during business hours and pay a $100 non-refundable administrative fee and sign a promise to appear for your next court date. You must come in person to the court office to quash a bench warrant. 

     Once a Warrant is Quashed

Once the fee has been receipted by staff, you will be provided with a copy of an Order to Quash Warrant of Arrest. PLEASE KEEP THIS COPY ON YOUR PERSON FOR 72 HOURS. A copy of the order will be sent to the Lewis County Sheriff's Office, however, it takes time for the quash to be processed by law enforcement agencies. Your copy is the proof you will need to provide should you come in to contact with an officer before their system is updated.

     What if you live out of state?

Defendants who live out of state, or out of the immediate area. who are requesting their warrant be quashed via mail or telephone (and then receiving their next court date by mail) will be reviewed on a case by case basis by the Judge.